Friday 23 July 2010

My Weekly Music Blog!!


I'm Andy Baber and I am a big music fan......very big music fan, infact. So, I thought I would start up a regular music blog detailing any music that i'm enjoying, whether it be albums, bands, a gig or a particular festival. Hopefully a few people might enjoy it and pick up some new music by following my blog, whilst I get to write about something I love!! Please leave comments if you are particularly interested in any point i've made, whether it be good or bad. If anybody dislikes a band or song i've written on, then by all means say so; however, do try and be constructive (unless you are talking about Scouting For Girls, because let's face it....they are SHIT!!). I'm going to start by posting some reviews I did for The Edge (the student entertainment magazine at my Uni). Some of these are fairly old but I thought they would be good to get things started!!

Hope you enjoy my thoughts on music, and please don't hesitate to comment, especially if you find a new band that you like and reckon more people should hear..... new music, whether it be good or bad, is ALWAYS important!!!


Unknown said...


Dhanesh said...

whats up? look forward to the blog.

Andy Baber said...

Nice One Jefferson.... Thanks Dhanesh, I expect some competition as you have no job!!!

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